
Wednesday 25 May 2016


Back from her stimulating weekend away, Jenny was on good form, with plenty to talk about!  It was a chilly, but dry start to the day.  We remarked what a beautiful time of year it is for flowers, and noticed that suddenly there was cow parsley everywhere! 

After some investigation, I have discovered that cow parsley is edible, although it is important not to get it confused with hemlock, which is not desirable to consume! They are both members of the carrot/celery family but this family is not for foraging beginners as eating hemlock can mean death!  Identification is, of course, easier when they are flowering, but even so, I don't think we will risk it!

Inspired by the Chelsea Flower Show, which is all over the BBC this week, we took some pics of the flowers seen on our walk.  The female presenters of the programmes have been in very floral attire and I have noticed flower designs are everywhere at the moment - clothing, interiors and even in my own artworks! 

We admired the wisteria on Old Bowlish House (top pics)front and the front of Bowlish House (above right).

The gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show are undeniably fabulous, but nothing like our gardens at home!  I have been reading articles in how much preparation goes into it - it takes years and the plants are sourced from all over the world... 

In the Chelsea gardens you get plants flowering together, which would never happen if left to their own devices.  Some plants are held back by putting them in cold storage, while others are encouraged to flower by artificial means. Time and cost are no object!  They aim for perfection and that is what you see and inspire to, but it can be frustrating when you look at your own patch...


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