
Friday, 6 November 2015


This morning at 6.30am it was one of those days when you hear the rain lashing on the window and think,  na .. noway am I going out pounding around the countryside!!  But then getting up the nerve to cancel Helen, might be worse,  so it was up and out!!

The market was still setting up - vehicles everywhere!  Above was the stall where we bought the veggies. 

Turns out, our walk was very refreshing - light rain and still mild.  It was also fruitful as Helen picked up some great fresh produce at Shepton market - kale, beetroot, and spinach.  All new veggies for me to juice!  She kindly shared them with me, to encourage me to move on to the next stage to make my juices greener!  Really getting into my juicing, and feeling the benefit already.  Not quite sure how, but I just feel different, cleaner and somehow healthier...  I have noticed that everyone in the media is really waking up to 'clean eating', and I'm really embracing the new wave of wellness...

Pics include the ever picturesque Collett Park!

KALE is a type of cabbage that is heaving with beauty benefits, like keratin-stimulating vitamin A.

BEETROOT has been found to lower blood pressure, purify the blood and increase the production of glutathione, helping the body to eliminate environment toxins.

SPINACH is full to bursting with iron -  it is the classic green nutritional powerhouse along with kale.

For the skin, particularly for the 'baby boomers', the best veggies are the ones made up of water such as cucumber, lettuce, celery etc.  In a short space of time you will be rewarded with a real glow...

Another superfood for health and beauty is the avocado. Few of us escaped the 90s without trying the avocado d.i.y. face pack!  And it is so great for sun-damaged skin as avocado oil is one of the best sources of vitamin A and E.

All amazing stuff  - wish me luck as I go into week two of my quest to GLOW !!

Helen poses outside the One Craft Gallery!

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