
Monday, 8 August 2016


This morning Belinda and I walked to Wells, six miles away!  Not as impressive as it sounds as she drove us to Dulcote, a village just outside Wells...

Our walk took us through a great bridle way which runs parallel to the by-pass. Underneath one of the bridges, built for cattle to cross the main road, we came upon an incredible hanging sculpture of three figures who looked as though they were doing a synchronised swimming movement - see above!

Wells is the place to take any visitors to.  It is the smallest city in England and has the magnificent Wells Cathedral and Bishop's Palace.   It is called Wells, because settlement in this area came about because of three wells or springs, two of which originate in the Bishop's Palace gardens.  

Our path into the city took us directly to the palace moat where we saw a pair of swans with their 8 cygnets!  The swans here have been taught to ring a bell, by the entrance to the palace, to be fed.  Belinda is taking a photograph (top left) of the entrance  - the bell is round the corner, out of sight! 

Wells was blooming with fantastic flower displays.  We didn't go down the High Street but walked around the outside of the cathedral and looked up Vicars' Close - see below.  It is the only completely medieval street in England. A college was formed in 1348 for the Vicar Chorus, the singing members of the choir, so they could live together communally.  They had halls to dine in and each of the 42 vicars were built a home in this street...

The cathedral has a long and interesting history with loads for visitors to see.  It is one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the country and is well worth a visit...

We walked out of Wells, into countryside, and ended up once again in the picturesque village of Dulcote...

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