
Friday 20 May 2016


We didn't get a walk today, as Jenny had an early start for a weekend away. However, later in the morning, I went into Shepton to hang some new artworks in the One Craft Gallery, and buy some fish in the Friday market!  It is great to see that the market is getting busier - the free parking on a Friday is certainly helping and gradually new stalls are being added...

It is also good to see a new business opening up.  Behind that row of stalls (bottom, right), is VAPE, which is just about to open.  As you can see they have the sign up! The refit has been done and now they are filling it with stock..

You may well ask, as I did, what are they going to sell?  Apparently, it is all to do with e-cigarettes.  Something, as a non-smoker, I know nothing about except they are meant to be more healthy than cigarettes!  It is said that they can help to cure the addiction by offering an alternative or a way in to giving up completely.  As the electronic device vaporises a liquid which contains nicotine, it can satisfy the cravings of a smoker.  I think the jury is out as to the long term health risks, but anything that helps people kick such an unhealthy habit as smoking, must surely be encouraged... 

Anyway, any business that brings people into Shepton is a good thing for all the shops and cafes struggling to survive in the High Street and by the Market Cross. We hope they do well!


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