
Saturday, 14 May 2016


Had to cancel the walk yesterday.  I have this awful summer cold.  Been dosing myself up on lemon and honey bought from the One Craft Gallery.  One of the makers there also keeps bees, and in fact, there is a display currently in the window with one of his beehives.  Seems to be growing in popularity - we saw these attractive hives just on the outskirts of Shepton, earlier in the year.

I mentioned to Helen earlier in the week that I can't remember her being ill or unwell.  In all the time we have been walking together -which is getting on for 2 years, I can only recall Helen having a slight dental problem, and a bit of a skin rash!  This clearly reflects her lifestyle - lots of fruit and veg, mostly raw,  juices, smoothies, no meat, hardly any sugar or processed foods and plenty of exercise - swimming, pilates and walking...

In contrast, my diet and excersise is not so rigorous!  Right now I haven't got that all important work/life balance quite right but I'm getting there!

Window display, complete with beehive ,at the One Craft Gallery
Last night I planned a really early one, so I asked Helen if I could have a loan of her vegetable cake cookbook!  I know this book is very special to Helen so it could have gone two ways!  Anyway, she decided I could be trusted with it, as she knows my keenness to cook more, and try healthy options to offer clients...

This healthy cake book is called Red Velvet Chocolate Heartache by Harry (it's a girl!) Eastwood.  It is described as the ultimate feel-good book of natural cakes that taste naughty!  Though I believe Helen adapts the recipes, and doesn't put sugar in her cakes.  She substitutes a small amount of agave nectar.  To my delight, I notice some of the cakes use honey...

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