
Friday, 25 March 2016


Being Good Friday today, our thoughts turned to Easter!  It seems to have come round remarkably quickly this year.  We know the dates change every year, but who decides?  Apparently, Easter Day always falls on the first full moon after the Spring Equinox on a Sunday, to represent Jesus's resurrection.  And this was decided by a council of Christian bishops convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine in AD325!

Good Friday is the day of the crucifixion and traditionally hot cross buns are scoffed today as it symbolises the end of Lent. The cross on the top marks the crucifixion and the spices inside remind Christians of the spices that were put onto the body.  Why bunnies and eggs?  The eggs are a symbol of new life as are cute chicks, lambs etc. They represent  the continuation of life after the resurrection on Easter Sunday and also the rebirth of Spring after the harshness of Winter.  The Easter Bunny originally comes from German traditions - originally an Easter hare, it brought chocolate to children who had been good (mentioned in German literature in 1682).  This has led to the supermarket shelves today being full of Easter bunnies and chocolate Easter eggs...

After our route march last Wednesday, today's walk was a gentler stroll around the centre of Shepton, taking in the window dressing of the shops and the preparations for the Friday Shepton Market - lots of lovely plants and veg were being taken out of vans.  Jenny bought some carrots, not for the Easter bunny, but to put in her juices! Above is the window of the One Craft Gallery, which I helped put together last Friday...

We noticed that we are losing another independent shop in the town - Just Jo, which had a great selection of handmade gifts.  We always look in the window at the latest creations.  According to the notice on the window, she will be continuing on-line only - another indication of how internet shopping has effected our High Street...

We made the most of a lovely, sunny morning, as according to the weather forecast, it is downhill for the rest of the Easter weekend - cold, wet and maybe snow!!

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