
Wednesday 11 November 2015


We headed to West Shepton today, along the old Wells road.  A calm, mild morning but not along that road - a lot of traffic!  We were soon off up a muddy bridle way, where we met this lovely friendly horse who wasted no time trotting over to see us. Have to say I'm scared stiff of horses but this one was clearly very calm and friendly! A good round trip at a steady pace set us up for the day. My day was unexpectedly fully booked, so made sure I had time for my veggie juice and wholemeal toast and honey. Yes, still juicing...

Pedicures are one of the most popular treatments I do - very important for walkers! I have several foot clients a week, but never seem to get to do my own!  So, this evening I will spoil myself with a lemon balm soak and my luxury coconut foot scrub.  It is most important to care for your feet, a regular treatment has so many benefits, for example,  nail shape and length - important for comfort and looking good, especially if you want to paint your toenails!  Then there is the getting rid of hard callus skin and general foot health that can be 'kept an eye on'.  And finally, the finishing foot massage has endless benefits... 

I get asked a lot this time of the year about skin care in the autumn/winter months. I always advice a facial every six weeks. This ensures fresh, deep cleansed pores, enabling your products to access lower skin depth, to produce great results.  But I always tell people that the biggest beauty aid is WATER!!  Drink plenty of it - we all know we should...

Next week we are hoping to get Paula, the Holistic Therapist, out with us!  Her energy adds a different feel to proceedings and we always enjoy her company...

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