It was great to get back to my early morning walks! Today my companion was Belinda, who was telling me the trials and tribulations of trying to be an author, especially with computers!
It was a grey, but warm day, with that really fine rain that gets everything really wet! Once we were away from the roads, onto footpaths through fields, my boots became squelchy and Belinda was wearing the welly boots, decorated with white flower designs, that she wore through the mud at Glastonbury! See a pic of them, among the clover - below bottom right. She had washed them out, but unfortunately they weren't completely dry so we both had wet feet...

With our summer of sunshine and showers, everywhere looks so green and overgrown. I know from my garden the weeds need constant attention! They were working on the hedges and the pristine bowling green at The Shepton Bowls Club - see below top pics. I love looking at the allotments (pics below), to see how they change from season to season and how productive they are...

My favourite photo of the day is this beautiful rose, complete with rain droplets...
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