The thing with dog poo is that it is not only extremely unpleasant but it is dangerous to public health, especially in young children's play areas. It is not only direct contact that can cause disease but rain drives fecal matter into water supplies and they become contaminated. So, thinking that if your dog does his business in the countryside it is ok to leave it, is simply not true. In fact, since May 1997 'you are legally obliged to clear up after your dog if it fouls any land open to air to which the public have access'.
Above is the story of our walk - from urbanisation to countryside within a short distance. We met up with some fellow dog walkers. The ground was soggy and we could see more signs of Autumn encroaching. Keeping our fingers crossed for some sunshine before the dark, murky mornings begin... I noticed a purple ribbon attached to this tree below - heard to tying a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree but never one this colour!
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