
Wednesday 24 February 2016


Although I saw the full moon when I got up, by the time Jenny and I had set out on our walk, it was almost light.  It was pleasant walking conditions, crusty underfoot, the sun came out and the sky was blue - a total contrast to Monday.  We, as a nation, will always have the weather to talk about as it changes from day to day and sometimes hour to hour!

We took in some of our favourite sights - Collett Park and the ducks - there seem to be two males for every female so constant harassment and competition!  We went to Leg Square and up a pathway to the back of Shepton Cider Mill - across the main road, into fields and ended up walking near the Charlton Viaduct.  The mud and cowpats weren't all frozen as Jenny learnt to her cost - see her boot on the right below!

One of my favourite foods and something I have everyday is avocado pears.  They are so good - providing healthy oil and plenty of nutrients.  They are also an essential ingredient for the raw food regime which I loosely follow!  As well as having them in my lunchtime salad everyday, I use them for making raw soups, desserts, and adding goodness to juices and smoothies.  When preparing avocados, I always rub my hands on the inside of the discarded skins - nature's hand cream!  I have recently heard that you can add the avocado pit to smoothies, providing extra roughage and nutrients, providing your blender is up to it!  Apparently it is slightly bitter so some form of sweetness is advised.  I have watched it being done on YouTube but have yet to take the plunge... Will try it and report back!!

Finally, my favourite pic of the day, shows this dog who greeted us enthusiastically and tried to get over the gate as we were passing by on a footpath...

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