
Monday 1 October 2018


Jenny and I used to walk three times a week, but this became too often to sustain as life took over!  We now tend to go early on a Monday, Jenny's day off.  It is important to keep some continuity, even if we can only fit in a short walk, as it is not only good exercise, but is good for the soul!  We have noticed that every week it is getting progressively darker in the mornings, even though mornings recently have been beautifully sunny...

This time we focussed on looking around Tadley Acres.  It is so easy to ignore the area where you live and go somewhere else to walk, but, when time is short, why not have a look at the good things on your doorstep!  The estate is built on Prince Charles's Duchy land, so that he had a say in the make-up of housing, layout etc. The result is an attractive estate with great variations of materials and styles of housing, from flats to five-bedroom houses.  There are also some attractive features, such as this dry stone wall - see above middle right.

At one end of the estate is a wildlife area for people to enjoy and walk their dogs. Although there is a pond and sign for deep water, all that can be seen at the moment are some bullrushes!  I think the water must have disappeared with the heatwave this summer...

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