
Monday 7 December 2015


Still mild, we set off in darkness.  So keen to catch up with our news, we were heading up Waterloo Road before we knew it!  At the last minute we hung a left and took off into the Cemetery -  absolutely fascinating, calm and strangely beautiful. We made our way out to the other side to the meadows.  It was now light, with a flicker of sun and blue sky, a suggestion of a fair day in store..

As we walked back through the High Street, (full of Christmas goodies and decorations - see above), we discussed how we can ring the changes in the New Year, with our walks. We came to the conclusion that ' Walk the Talk' is a metaphor for getting on with all that is good for you.  It used to be that too often I would find myself giving advice to clients that were struggling with stress, energy levels, weight issues etc. and suffering all these things myself and yet doing nothing!  Not anymore, I keep a close eye on all these things, and then try to nip them in the bud. I haven't cracked it completely yet, still very often at my wits end!!

I have seen something recently, which I think we should all be mindful of.  There is an Indian belief that we are all  - 'a house of four rooms - Spiritual Room, Emotional Room, Physical Room & Mental Room'.

Most of us live in one room for most of the time,  but according to this belief  we should visit all of them everyday, to give them an airing and make us more rounded. I think that makes sense!  Hopefully, we can incorporate a little more of what goes on in the rest of our rooms, other than the physical, on our quest to Walk the Talk...

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