Our walk took us along some narrow lanes, footpaths and bridle ways. The maize in one field was so high that it dwarfed Jenny! There was plenty of abundant undergrowth to get through, particularly stinging nettles, which somehow managed to sting Jenny through her clothes! A dead tree, shown above, made a great natural sculpture and there were fantastic views, including a field which had been cut for hay.
At the side of one lane, we saw a glass cabinet which had just been dumped! Fly tipping is becoming such a problem these days and it completely spoils the countryside for everyone. On close inspection it looked in good condition, with a mirrored back and light at the top. The only thing lacking was 4 glass shelves. We wondered whether we should remove this blot on the landscape!
When we got back to Skin and Tonic, Paula, the holistic therapist was there. We mentioned what we had seen. She offered to go back with us in her car and help us retrieve it! This we duly did, and now Jenny is looking to clean it up, replace the knobs, get some glass shelves and put it in the salon. She plugged it in and the bulb worked! Very serendipity, as she had just been talking to a client about extending her merchandising! So watch this space - we will take a pic when it is in use!!
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