One of the first sights that greeted us was, a field that was normally full of sheep, was now occupied by beautiful young bullocks! In order to photograph them we attracted their attention. They came close, very close, as you can see below, but soon lost interest when they discovered that we had no food!

At the bottom of town a new business opened today - Starlight Studio Art - a gallery and juice bar (below centre, right). When we walked past the blinds were down - we had a peak around the edges and later in the day I had a proper look round! It is very colourful and eclectic, featuring bright Indian artworks etc. There are going to be workshops and collaborations with local businesses so it will be interesting to see how it develops...
Blisters are a pain for walkers and runners! I have just read some top tips in prevention. Some are obvious, such as the importance wearing comfortable, well-fitting suitable footwear and not allowing your feet to get damp - on a long wet walk it would be a good idea to carry a fresh pair of socks to change into. Talking of socks, the advice is to wear proper walking socks made of fibres with good 'wicking' properties or 'dual layer' socks which eliminate friction at the skin surface. Alternatively try wearing socks inside out to stop seams rubbing!
Keep toenails short and feet in good condition with regular pedicures. This is where Jenny comes in - she treats my feet regularly - it is so relaxing! Check feet for any sign of rubbing and tenderness. A new study at Stanford University has shown that surgical tape on areas that are likely to rub can help to prevent blisters for those undertaking extra long walks and runs...
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